If you are still wanting some football apparel here is your second chance! The last day to order is on 9/15 with orders being processed on 9/30.
Come watch our Doniphan County Volleyball girls play against each other and start off the new season! Free admissions. The concessions will be available!
Please join us for a fun community event while supporting your Doniphan West High School softball team! All ages and communities are welcome to participate. Proceeds will go to further field improvements at the Doniphan West South Campus Field. Contact Coach Edie at sedie@usd111.org with any questions or to sign up!
Please register your student here: https://form.jotform.com/220204505115135. The cost of clinic is $25 per participant! We hope to see you there. Go Mustangs!
D-West Activities Schedule
Junior High and High School football teams came together to design apparel! Deadline for orders will be August 26th at midnight. https://hbcustomprinting-dwfootball2024.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
This event showcases the agriculture opportunities available to students right in their back door! This will be a casual evening for students to enjoy with their parents to see and touch equipment, hear testimonials from our employees, learn about the benefits and opportunities Ag Partners offers, enjoy a BBQ meal, and games, and receive a free t-shirt!" Questions? Contact Brenna at brennae@agpartnerscoop.com.
Fall Sports Parent Meeting(7-12th Grades)
Tonight - Thursday, August 15, 6:00 PM
Student are also welcome to attend.
ATHLETIC BACK-TO-SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS https://www.usd111.org/article/1693881
Just a reminder: If your students plan on playing sports they need to have a Physical form and a Concussion form turned into the office BEFORE the first day of practice (August 19th). If they do NOT have them turned in they can NOT participate.
Doniphan West Welcomes Our New Teachers
Junior High Volleyball Apparel Order is now open!
It will close on Wednesday, August, 21st.
High School Volleyball Apparel
Order is due Aug. 21.
Paraprofessional Opening at USD 111
Doniphan West Jr./Sr. High School
For more information contact the Doniphan County Education Cooperative
Online application available at: www.ksdcec.org
SWAY Baseline Concussion Testing, 8/14
Who Needs to Be Tested:
-Student athletes in grades 7th, 9th, and 11th
-All football players(7-12th)
-Any new students(athletes)
Donation Information
SWAY Baseline Concussion Testing
USD111 Online Enrollment is now open!
Please check your email for additional information.
Complete by August 1, 2024
HS Students Invited!
Meet our new Ag Mechanics and Welding Instructor, Mr. Tom Davis.
Spend time training with a Vern Lewis Welding Specialist.
When: July 1 and 2, 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
D-West HS Volleybal Team Camp
July 9, 9:00-11:00a.m.