We continue to recognize students of good character. Each week, students and teachers will focus on a specific character trait in relation to social and academic development and teachers/staff will nominate exceptional students.
Last week's Character Trait of the Week was initiative. Congratulations to the students who were observed showing exceptional initiative!

1stt row - Alexis Powell, Briley Denton, Jace Falk, Tuff Heinrich, Tinley Cluck, Bryler Shelton, Eli Alfrey, and Grayson Lee.
2nd row - Chloe Keys, Jace Hennigan, Kohl Zent, Ian Johnson.
3rd row - Elliot Lorenz, Kamdyn Yarsulik, Emily Tracy, Morgan McCauley, Brenna Neibling, Blayne Pace, Cord Windmeyer, Case Peters, Brogan Harring, and Eli Freeman.
4th row - Kalvin Pottorf, Adi Chartier, Gabby Lock, Ketcher Peterson, Malle Meyer, Avery Hendrix, Dewayne Allison, Hadley Foland, and Jackson Yuill.
Back row - William Moppin, Charlie Hoffman, Dean Scholz, Maddex Meyer, Braylon Shelton, Josie Reno, Trace Caudle, Rex Ruhnke, Kayson Smith, Addy Rhodd, and Destiny McVicker.
Not pictured - Jamison Maendale, Finnegan South, Makyia Ricker, and Harrison Ingmire.
Jayden Ernzen, Prezten Pace, Eli Gibson, McKinley Hennigan, Karlee Buckley, Aliza Tracy, Whitney Duckett, Lydia Keebler, Jayden Owen, Ella Whetstine, Tabin Clary, Kayte Falk, Courtney Johnson, Layla Kuhnert, Emmy Gibson, Reese McCauley, Rylan Florence, Lena Leatherman, Belle Smith, Brianna Rawles, Grant Boose, Macey Elms, Lorene Peuker, Lilly Clark, Claire Cole, Kelby Windmeyer, Hayden Hoffman, Michael Albers
Not pictured: Kaylynn Miner, Addison Hoffman