1st Grade

Mrs. Melissa Powell
I've lived in Denton my whole life and attended Midway-Denton from Kindergarten through Junior year. In 2004, when I was a Senior, Midway consolidated with Highland High School and I graduated in 2005 as the first class of Doniphan West. After high school, I attended Highland Community College for two years and then moved to Kansas State University and completed my Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education in 2011. After graduating, I came back home hoping to find a job in Doniphan County. I started out as a paraprofessional since there were no teaching jobs open at DWest. After one year, I was able to move into the Title One position and then moved to 3rd grade that next year. In 2014, I started with first grade and have been there ever since!

Mrs. Brittney Neibling
I went to high school at North Andrew in Missouri. I attended Highland Community College for my associate's degree and Missouri Western for my Bachelor's degree. I taught 3rd grade for eight years before moving to 1st grade. I started teaching 1st grade in 2017. I love teaching 1st grade because you get to see the growth within their reading. It is so fascinating to watch students grow as a reader!