Who would have thought that while studying the letters G & W the perfect Mystery Reader was found? Kindergartners went to Weiland’s Grocery in Bendena for a tour and story. Ruth Weiland read the book, Pete The Cat’s Trip to the Supermarket and answered numerous business-related questions. She gave each student a 2023 Puppies and Kittens calendar as well as a ‘Smarties Lollipop.’ Thank you, Ruth, for helping us learn by sharing your business and the gifts with us.
about 2 years ago, Trish Gibson
Ruth reading a book
Kindergarten hearing a story
Seniors Kyra Johnson and Avery Weathersbee signed with Highland Community College to play volleyball next year. Congratulations, Kyra and Avery! #MustangPride
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
Mr. Edmonds's junior and senior class traveled to the State Capitol on Thursday, February 23, 2023. The students were able to sit in on live debates and voting from the State House of Representatives. The students also met with Rep. Dr. Eplee 63rd district , and Sen. Dietrich of Topeka. The students followed this up with a guided tour of the Capital and the famous Dome Tour. The students who attended the trip are Hannah Albers, Jacob Blanton, Aiden Ethetton, Lena Leatherman, Taygen Reno, Makenna Smith, Malaina Whetstine, Cameron Yuill, Reece Florence.
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
Monday, March 6th Board Meeting will be moved from the Elementary School to the High School Commons Area. Board Meeting is set for 5:30pm.
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
Kansas Corn Guest Speaker! Today, Mr. Bill Johnston presented to the high ag classes about various topics such as sustainability, corn production, ethanol production, and ag careers! Students enjoyed his enthusiasm and knowledge of agriculture! Thank you Mr. Johnston!
about 2 years ago, Hannah Adame
HS Boys Sub-State BB at Troy (2/24/23) (L) 36-57 We are proud of our Mustangs! #MustangPride
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
Sometimes families are very fearful of DCF (Department of Children and Families) being involved with family affairs. Please note that DCF has many ways to assist families in need. If you are looking for any type of assistance, please contact DCF to see what opportunities are available. They do a great job supporting families in need. Scan the QR Code to see what they can offer!
about 2 years ago, Trish Gibson
DCF Support Information
The FFA ends National FFA week with a trip to the Western Farm Show! Students attended an ag career workshop, networked with industry leaders, engaged with new ag technologies, and toured the vast array of ag vendors and services! Happy National FFA Week!
about 2 years ago, Hannah Adame
Thank you to our DWest Community!
about 2 years ago, Anna Midyette
Thank you Valerie & Sam Smith family
JH and HS Weekly Activities Schedule (Feb 27-March 5) Link: https://www.usd111.org/o/dwhs/article/835829 Thank you for supporting Mustang activities! #MustangPride
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
Feb 27-March 5
DWHS Boys Basketball heads to Troy this evening for the first round of Sub-State. Tip off scheduled for 7:00pm. Good Luck Mustangs! #MustangPride #TakeSubState
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
BB Boys
HS Girls Sub-State BB vs Bishop Seabury (2/23/23) (W) 74-23 The Lady Mustangs advance to the semi-finals next Thursday, March 2 at Onaga. Time and opponent TBD. #MustangPride
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
Junior High Track & Field Apparel Form is attached below! JH Track Athletes must have the Orange Short Sleeve Shirt. Orders can be made online at https://www.customink.com/g/zha0-00cq-dvbf Orders can also be turned in by paper copy. Please turn the Order Form attached below to Coach Craig Smith by March 10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ztl4zIQbHzb76BBKiUY5AOKXRT7jM6p_/view?usp=share_link
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
JH Track Apparel
The Lady Mustangs host the first round of Sub-State basketball tonight taking on Bishop Seabury. Tip off scheduled for 7:00pm. Just a reminder that passes are not accepted. Let's Go Mustangs! #MustangPride #TakeSubState
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
Sub-State Round 1
Last night we hosted the Kiss a Goat fundraiser! These funds will go towards funding for State FFA Convention and supporting travel expenses for our FFA State Teams. The winning candidate was Mrs. Trish Gibson! She kissed an adorable goat named, Corduroy! #FFAweek
about 2 years ago, Hannah Adame
Mustang Softball Apparel Order Forms are attached below. Please return orders by March 8th. Order forms can also be found in the HS office for students. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1przPTIU1HdLUlIIuulZbTS-e098kFt9m/view?usp=share_link
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
Softball Order forms
HS Basketball vs Troy (2/21/23) JV girls: (W) 45-35 V girls: (W) 55-45 V boys: (L) 46-57 #MustangPride
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
Thank you to our senior winter sports and activities participants! Jacob Blanton, Lilly Clark, Claire Cole, Faith Collins, Reece Florence, Aly Gobin, Kyra Johnson, Brody Jeschke, Avery Weathersbee, & Carlie Windmeyer. #MustangPride
about 2 years ago, Sarah Smith
It's time to sign up for summer baseball/softball! Attached below is a sign-up sheet. Please print out and turn in by March 9th. Any additional info or questions please contact Rocky @ 785-741-2848. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MQzdyNKARbMzirB2fC0piiXceaYZrJwI/view?usp=share_link
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
Baseball and Softball Sign Up
Mustang Basketball hosts Troy this evening for the last regular season game of the year. Tip off set for 4:30pm on this Senior Recognition Night. Come and support Doniphan West! #MustangPride 4:30pm - JV Girls 6:00pm - Varsity Girls SENIOR RECOGNTION 7:30pm - Varsity Boys
about 2 years ago, Jacy Dalinghaus
Senior Night