Securing the Buildings

As a reminder, during the school day, all doors are locked. The front doors are secured by a maglock system where the entrance for admission into the building is monitored by office staff.
After 4:00 p.m. all doors will be locked, and only staff with keys will be able to access the buildings. This will not include days that we host public attended events, such as ball games, board meetings, concerts, and conferences.
Asbestos Notice
North Campus- The district continues to follow its asbestos management plan as required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act of 1986 (AHERA). The most recent inspection by a licensed consultant was performed on (call 785-442-3286 for most recent date). The results of that inspection revealed the only known asbestos in the district is located in the hallway, office, and classroom in the vocational agricultural building. It is suspected to be a component of the floor tile, is considered to be non-friable and is being managed according to the plan. A copy of the USD 111 Asbestos Management Plan is located in the district office.
South Campus- The public is to be informed of the condition of the asbestos in the school as part of its EPA requirements. This article is to serve as notification as required by regulations. The South Campus had its first asbestos inspection and management plan developed Oct. 10, 1988. Our last inspection was done (call 785-442-3286 for most recent date). Re-inspection is required every three (3) years.
If you would like additional information regarding USD #111’s Asbestos Management Plan, please stop by the district office and/or call Dr. Vololra Hanzlicek, Superintendent at 785-442-3286.
Standard Response Protocol