Join us for the Veterans Day Program at Doniphan West Jr/Sr High on Friday, November 10th at 9am!
A few seniors & sophomores visited Emporia State University on Friday!
JH WR at Rock Creek, 11/4
CHoffman 2-3
JYuill 1-2
HIngmire 3-1
WSymns 3-2
CGonzales 1-2
CScott 1-3
AGruman 0-3
EShelden 1-3
LMoore 1-2
BKramer 3-1
JSelland 0-4
QPendleton 1-3
BLowe 2-0
JShoemaker 3-1
NGarza 0-2
DNelson 1-3
MDoss 1-2
MKessler 3-0
SO’Banion 2-1
AWist 1-2
Weekly Athletic Announcement (Nov. 6-12)
Meet Mrs. Weis!
Meet Mrs. Cluck!
Meet Mrs. Gaul!
Senior Lena Leatherman represented Doniphan West High School in the Hiawatha Halloween Frolic Queen and scholarship contest during the 109th annual parade. In the competition, she was evaluated on several criteria, including community involvement, participation in school activities, leadership positions, quality of the essay she presented, interview performance, and talent.
Before the annual parade on Halloween night, Lena was announced as the Runner-Up Halloween Frolic Queen. In addition to this honor, she was also awarded a scholarship to support her post-secondary education.
JH Wrestling @ Oskaloosa
C Hoffman 3-0
J Yuill 0-1
H Ingmire 1-2
W Symns 0-2
T Lemay 2-1
C Gonzales 0-2
C Scott 0-2
A Gruman 1-3
E Shelden 0-1
L Moore 0-3
B Kramer 0-3
J Selland 0-3
Q Pendleton 2-2
B Lowe 4-1
J Shoemaker 2-0
N Garza 1-1
D Nelson 2-1
M Doss 3-1
M Kessler 2-1
Congratulations to Katie Johnson(1st Team) and Taygen Reno(2nd Team) for their selection to the All-TVL Volleyball Team!
Winners of the DWES Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Student/Staff Vote Winner- Jayden Moore (It's Grilling Time)
Board of Education Winner - Matie and Boone Clary (Gone Fishing)
Community Monetary Vote Winner - Juliet Trachsel (Haunted Cinderella)
Meet Mr. Keller!
The last two Family Decorated Pumpkins. Our families are so creative!
The next 10 Family Decorated Pumpkins. Simply amazing!
More Family Decorating Contest Pumpkins. Aren't they creative!
Come One - Come All
The annual DWES Family Pumpkin Decorating Contest has begun! You are welcome to come to the elementary school from 1:30-2:00 to make a monetary donation to your favorite family pumpkin. The students’ Costume Parade will begin at 2:00 in the gym due to cold weather. Parking is available in the back and the side of the building.
Meet Coach Edie!
Elementary Halloween activities will be held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 inside.
Elementary Halloween activities on Tuesday, Oct 31. will be held indoors due to cold weather.
Guests can watch our "parade" in the Big Gym and vote for pumpkins in hallway starting at 1:30. Classrooms will be BUSY so please wait in the Big Gym to see your students! It will be a great day! Parade starts at 2:00.
Weekly Athletic Announcement (Oct. 30-Nov. 5)