We continue to recognize students of good character.  Each week, students and teachers will focus on a specific character trait in relation to social and academic development and teachers/staff will nominate exceptional students.

Last week's Character Trait of the Week was respect. Congratulations to the students who were observed showing exceptional respect!

Back Row - Jozee Clary, Ketcher Peterson, Kayson Smith, Kalvin Pottorf, and Grayson Lee
Middle Row - Kayler Gilmore, Jace Falk, Boone Clary, Mark Dobbins, Allie Freeman, Aliza Johnson, and Mayson Lee
Front Row - Aiden Nuzum, Paizlyn Keller, and Natalie Zent

Back row - Jaelynn Clary, Kamryn McCauley, Remington Peuker, Brooklyn Denton, Ella Haynes, Levi Garrison

Front row - Lydia Keebler, Brianna Rawles, Jaidyn Smith, Kya Keller