Community Benefit

Two Community Events to Support Local District Employees – April 12, 2025

On April 12, 2025, two community events will be held in support of Stacy Scholz and Jennifer Edie, both valued district employees.

A free-will donation dinner, raffle, and cornhole tournament will take place to assist Stacy Scholz, a dedicated bus driver and longtime friend to many, as she faces medical expenses from recent heart complications.

The Midway Alumni ATV/UTV Ride, open to the public, will also be held that day to raise funds for Jennifer Edie. Riders will enjoy a day on the trails before concluding at the benefit dinner.

Everyone is welcome to attend and show their support! Additional details can be found on the event flyer and respective Facebook event pages.

Stacy Scholz Benefit Dinner

Midway Alumni ATV/UTV Ride - Jennifer Edie Benefit