For the second consecutive year, Doniphan West High School was named an Apply Kansas All Star High School. Across the state, 97 schools were named All Star High Schools for the 2022-2023 school year. To qualify, Doniphan West completed an Apply Kansas Day, in which seniors were allowed time during the school day to apply to colleges, with assistance from Mrs. Schneider. In addition, Doniphan West partnered with Highland Community College to offer a FAFSA Night to students and parents. HCC Director of Financial Aid, Sarah Windmeyer, gave an informative presentation about the FAFSA and answered questions for families. Lastly, Senior Spotlights were posted on the school website and social media pages during the fourth quarter, highlighting postsecondary plans for any senior who chose to participate.
Click here to view last year's All Star High School recognition video. The 2023 video will be shared when it becomes available.
APPLY Kansas Day